How to change Unhealthy Habits


Deciding to make a change in your life is never easy. Breaking old habits and creating healthy ones can be challenging and even discouraging at times. However, it’s not impossible at all. You just need a dedication towards your goal.

Have you ever reached for that one food in your cupboard that is confirmed to be unhealthy for you?

It’s not just you. We all do it. These are “unhealthy” habits—and habits, by definition, are the things we are so used to that they become our default even when we know better.

Changing to a healthy lifestyle is a common goal, but where should you actually begin? After deciding you want to make a change, the next step is to believe you can actually do it and come up with a plan.


Below are the Steps to Change Unhealthy Habits.

1.   Identify the Unhealthy habits you want to change. This means making a list of things you’d like to change, and then prepare yourself mentally and physically to keep it going until you cut it out completely from your life.

2.   Hold yourself liable for making those changes. Never blame others or due to a lack of time you are not being able to change your bad habits. Just like you would hold a loved one accountable if they made a promise, make a promise to yourself. Here your wisdom plays a major role, however wisdom, knows what is good and what is bad for you. Use that wisdom to build something into your schedule that will provide what you really want. Realize you do have the answers and are capable of doing something different.

3.   Replace the Unhealthy habits with the Healthy ones. Just willing yourself to change isn’t enough. You need to study yourself and understand what you really want? Once you crack it you will automatically generate a behavior which will assist you in choosing the best habits for your healthy life. In short you just need to avoid unhealthy stuff and replace it with something that is healthy and keeps you engaged in it so that you are not forced to take the path to an unhealthy routine all again.

4.   Remove that negative triggers from your life. Figure out what are the forces that are dragging you in. This means anything which is triggering you to do something that is unhealthy, you need to avoid it. For example if drinking alcohol makes you crave a cigarette, take a break from alcohol. If those friends who force you to clubs avoid them, I feel, fewer the friend circle fewer the risks of you being triggered. 

5.   Visualize yourself changing. Ignore your negative self-talk and replace it with a visualization of you finding success in the changes you want to make. So spend some time every day envisioning yourself with new habits. Picture yourself exercising and enjoying it, eating healthy foods, or fitting into those jeans. See yourself engaged in happy conversation with someone instead of standing in the back of the room. This kind of visualization really works. This will boost you with an energizer and will get you closer to your goals.

6.   Accept the fact that it will take time. Changing isn’t easy and there might be days where you fail. We all do. Habits don’t change overnight. Love yourself and remind yourself why you always wanted to change. Instead of letting that failure win, just continue working hard.

7.   Make a plan with goals and take baby steps. Just like you have a schedule you have to follow at work or at home with certain tasks you have to complete. Your new healthy lifestyle should also have tasks and a plan to follow. Take baby steps, if necessary. Even if you can’t fully follow through with a new habit right away, do something small to keep yourself on track.

I don’t know why people make it sound so difficult that Healthy lifestyle needs a lot of time, patience and money to invest in. It’s not true, anyone can start their journey and is most likely to achieve their desired goals if they keep consistency and continuously feel motivated to do so. Most of them even start after watching a few fitness and motivational videos but in the end tend to lose the grip and give up on it, do you know why this happens? It’s because you are not that motivated enough to even keep that going. Motivation is not an external force it’s within you.


Just jot down on a paper your new healthy schedule and follow it with consistency and you will find the absolute results you never would have imagined.

Start right away.


And yes you can do this.



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